Selasa, 26 Februari 2013

free writing !!!

gue mau kasih liat hasil tugas free writing gue ahaha sebenernya sih ga ada yang w-o-w cuma gue ngerasa bangga aja karena gue yang ga jago mengarang ini ternyata bisa menciptakna sebuah tulisan ahahaha

judulnya : pluto in outer space

Outer space. What do you think about outer space? dark, deep, high, scary, beautiful, or amazing ? well … I wanna tell you my opinion about outer space. When I was a child, my mother gave me a book about outer space. I was amazed when I first saw the picture of outer space. Feel like don't believe. In my shadow, outer space like a town where the inhabitants flying with bamboo propellers like in the doraemon movie. But what I see, the picture is just a white dots and black background. I hate it, but my mom tell the outer space is not like that. She informed that in outer space so much a constellation of the solar system. Such as planets, comets, and even the stars. And the earth, including in the solar system. And she was also informed about the composition of the planet. one of them is Pluto. I love Pluto. Pluto is so far away from the sun so that the temperature is cold. Its make me so very love it.

yaaa rumayaan laaah ga jelek" bangetkan ? seenggaknya ga malu"in kan kalo dikumpulin ahahaha :|

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